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Latest geekcert EMC E20-007 exam questions (1-42)

Exam B
You are analyzing data in order to build a classifier model. You discover non-linear data and discontinuities that will affect the model. Which analytical method
would you recommend?
A. Decision Trees
B. Logistic Regression
D. Linear Regression
Correct Answer: A

You are performing a marketing analysis on baskets using the Apriori algorithm. Which measure is a ratio that describes how many more times two items are
present together than would be expected if those two items are statistically independent?
A. Lift
B. Leverage
C. Support
D. Confidence
Correct Answer: A

You are studying the behavior of a population, and you are provided with multidimensional data at the individual level. You have identified four specific individuals
who are valuable to your study, and would like to find all users who are most similar to each individual. Which algorithm is the most appropriate for this study?
A. K-means clustering
B. Linear regression
C. Association rules
D. Decision trees
Correct Answer: A

The web analytics team uses Hadoop to process access logs. They now want to correlate this data with structured user data residing in a production single-
instance JDBC database. They collaborate with the production team to import the data into Hadoop. Which tool should they use?
A. Sqoop
B. Pig
C. Chukwa
D. Scribe
Correct Answer: A

What is holdout data?
A. a subset of the provided data set selected at random and used to validate the model
B. a subset of the provided data set selected at random and used to initially construct the model
C. a subset of the provided data set that is removed by the data scientist because it contains data errors
D. a subset of the provided data set that is removed by the data scientist because it contains outliers
Correct Answer: A

Under which circumstance do you need to implement N-fold cross-validation after creating a regression model?
A. There is not enough data to create a test set.
B. The data is unformatted.
C. There are missing values in the data.
D. There are categorical variables in the model.
Correct Answer: A

Refer to the exhibit.

You are asked to write a report on how specific variables impact your client’s sales using a data set provided to you by the client. The data includes 15 variables
that the client views as directly related to sales, and you are restricted to these variables only.
After a preliminary analysis of the data, the following findings were made:
1. Multicollinearity is not an issue among the variables
2. Only three variables–A, B, and C–have significant correlation with sales
You build a linear regression model on the dependent variable of sales with the independent variables of A, B, and C. The results of the regression are seen in the
Which interpretation is supported by the analysis?
A. Variables A, B, and C are significantly impacting sales, but are not effectively estimating sales
B. Variables A, B, and C are significantly impacting sales and are effectively estimating sales
C. Due to the R2 of 0.10, the model is not valid ?the linear regression should be re-run with all 15 variables forced into the model to increase the R2
D. Due to the R2 of 0.10, the model is not valid ?a different analytical model should be attempted
Correct Answer: A

Refer to the exhibit.

The exhibit shows four graphs labeled as Fig A thorough Fig D. Which figure represents the entropy function relative to a Boolean classification and is represented
by the formula shown in Exhibit?
A. Fig-A
B. Fig-BC. Fig-C
D. Fig-D
Correct Answer: A

Refer to the exhibit.

In the exhibit, a correlogram is provided based on an autocorrelation analysis of a sample dataset.
What can you conclude from only this exhibit?
A. There is significant autocorrelation through lag 3
B. There is no structure left to model in the data
C. Lag 7 has a significant negative autocorrelation
D. Differencing is required before proceeding with any analysis
Correct Answer: A

Which word or phrase completes the statement? A data warehouse is to a centralized database for reporting as an analytic sandbox is to a _______?
A. Collection of data assets for modeling
B. Collection of low-volume databases
C. Centralized database of KPIs
D. Collection of data assets for ETL
Correct Answer: A

Your colleague, who is new to Hadoop, approaches you with a question. They want to know how best to access their data. This colleague has a strong
background in data flow languages and programming.
Which query interface would you recommend?
A. Pig
B. Hive
C. Howl
D. HBase
Correct Answer: A

You have been assigned to do a study of the daily revenue effect of a pricing model of online transactions. All the data currently available to you has been loaded
into your analytics database; revenue data, pricing data, and online transaction data. You find that all the data comes in different levels of granularity. The
transaction data has timestamps (day, hour, minutes, seconds), pricing is stored at the daily level, and revenue data is only reported monthly. What is your nextstep?
A. Report back to the business owner that the current data model does not support the business question.
B. Interpolate a daily model for revenue from the monthly revenue data.
C. Aggregate all data to the monthly level in order to create a monthly revenue model.
D. Disregard revenue as a driver in the pricing model, and create a daily model based on pricing and transactions only.
Correct Answer: A

Which word or phrase completes the statement? A spreadsheet is to a data island as a centralized database for reporting is to a ________?
A. Data Warehouse
B. Data Repository
C. Analytic Sandbox
D. Data Mart
Correct Answer: A

Which word or phrase completes the statement? Mahout is to Hadoop as MADlib is to ____________ .
A. PostgreSQL
B. R
C. Excel
Correct Answer: A

Refer to the Exhibit.

In the Exhibit, the table shows the values for the input Boolean attributes “A”, “B”, and “C”. It also shows the values for the output attribute “class”. Which decision
tree is valid for the data?
A. Tree B
B. Tree A
C. Tree C
D. Tree D
Correct Answer: A

What describes a true property of a Logistic Regression method?A. Robust with redundant variables and correlated variables
B. Handles missing values well
C. Works well with discrete variables that have many distinct values
D. Works well with variables that affect the outcome in a discontinuous way
Correct Answer: A

Which characteristic applies only to Business Intelligence as opposed to Data Science?
A. Uses only structured data
B. Supports solving “what if” scenarios
C. Uses large data sets
D. Uses predictive modeling techniques
Correct Answer: A

To ensure a successful analytic project, which key role can consult and advise the project team on the value of end results and how these will be used on a daily
A. Business User
B. Project Manager
C. Data Scientist
D. Business Intelligence Analyst
Correct Answer: A

When would you prefer a Naive Bayes model to a logistic regression model for classification?
A. When you are using several categorical input variables with over 1000 possible values each.
B. When you need to estimate the probability of an outcome, not just which class it is in.
C. When all the input variables are numerical.
D. When some of the input variables might be correlated.
Correct Answer: A

What describes the use of UNION clause in a SQL statement?
A. Operates on queries and potentially increases the number of rows
B. Operates on queries and potentially decreases the number of rows
C. Operates on tables and potentially decreases the number of columns
D. Operates on both tables and queries and potentially increases both the number of rows and columns
Correct Answer: A

The web analytics team uses Hadoop to process access logs. They now want to correlate this data with structured user data residing in their massively parallel
database. Which tool should they use to export the structured data from Hadoop?
A. Sqoop
B. Pig
C. Chukwa
D. Scribe
Correct Answer: A

What is one modeling or descriptive statistical function in MADlib that is typically not provided in a standard relational database?
A. Linear regression
B. Expected value
C. Variance
D. Quantiles
Correct Answer: A

Which analytical method is considered unsupervised?A. K-means clustering
B. Nale Bayesian classifier
C. Decision tree
D. Linear regression
Correct Answer: A

Refer to the Exhibit.

You are going into a meeting where you anticipate your manager will have a question on your dataset. Specifically, your manager will want to know about
customers that are classified as renters with a good credit status.
In order to prepare for the meeting, you create a rule: RENTER => GOOD CREDIT. What is the confidence of this rule?
A. 18%
B. 41%
C. 63%
D. 73%
Correct Answer: C

Which ROC curve represents a perfect model fit?

A. Exhibit A
B. Exhibit B
C. Exhibit C
D. Exhibit D
Correct Answer: A

A data scientist plans to classify the sentiment polarity of 10, 000 product reviews collected from the Internet. What is the most appropriate model to use? Suppose
labeled training data is available.
A. Nale Bayesian classifier
B. Linear regression
C. Logistic regression
D. K-means clustering
Correct Answer: A

You have fit a decision tree classifier using 12 input variables. The resulting tree used 7 of the 12 variables, and is 5 levels deep. Some of the nodes contain only 3
data points. The AUC of the model is 0.85. What is your evaluation of this model?
A. The tree is probably overfit. Try fitting shallower trees and using an ensemble method.
B. The AUC is high, and the small nodes are all very pure. This is an accurate model.
C. The tree did not split on all the input variables. You need a larger data set to get a more accurate model.
D. The AUC is high, so the overall model is accurate. It is not well-calibrated, because the small nodes will give poor estimates of probability.
Correct Answer: A

When creating a presentation for a technical audience, what is the main objective?
A. Show that you met the project goals
B. Show how you met the project goals
C. Show if the model will meet the SLA
D. Show the technique to be used in the production environment
Correct Answer: B
ExplanationQUESTION 29
Which word or phrase completes the statement? A Data Scientist would consider that a RDBMS is to a Table as R is to a ______________ .
A. Data frame
B. List
C. Matrix
D. Array
Correct Answer: A

Which word or phrase completes the statement? Structured data is to OLAP data as quasi- structured data is to____
A. Clickstream data
B. XML data
C. Text documents
D. Image files
Correct Answer: A

The average purchase size from your online sales site is $17, 200. The customer experience team believes a certain adjustment of the website will increase sales.
A pilot study on a few hundred customers showed an increase in average purchase size of $1.47, with a significance level of p=0.1.
The team runs a larger study, of a few thousand customers. The second study shows an increased average purchase size of $0.74, with a significance level of
0.03. What is your assessment of this study?
A. The change in purchase size is not practically important, and the good p-value of the second study is probably a result of the large study size.
B. The change in purchase size is small, but may aggregate up to a large increase in profits over the entire customer base.
C. The difference in the change in purchase size between the two studies is troubling; The team should run another, larger study.
D. The p-value of the second study shows a statistically significant change in purchase size. The new website is an improvement.
Correct Answer: A

What describes a true property of Logistic Regression method?
A. It is robust with redundant variables and correlated variables.
B. It handles missing values well.
C. It works well with discrete variables that have many distinct values.
D. It works well with variables that affect the outcome in a discontinuous way.
Correct Answer: A

Refer to the exhibit.

What provides the decision tree for predicting whether or not someone is a good or bad credit risk. What would be the assigned probability, p(good), of a single
male with no known savings?
A. 0.83
B. 0C. 0.498
D. 0.6
Correct Answer: A

Assume that you have a data frame in R. Which function would you use to display descriptive statistics about this variable?
A. summary
B. str
C. attributes
D. levels
Correct Answer: A

Data visualization is used in the final presentation of an analytics project. For what else is this technique commonly used?
A. Data exploration
B. Descriptive statistics
D. Model selection
Correct Answer: A

Refer to the exhibit.

In the exhibit, the x-axis represents the derived probability of a borrower defaulting on a loan. Also in the exhibit, the pink represents borrowers that are known to
have not defaulted on their loan, and the blue represents borrowers that are known to have defaulted on their loan.
Which analytical method could produce the probabilities needed to build this exhibit?
A. Logistic Regression
B. Linear Regression
C. Discriminant Analysis
D. Association Rules
Correct Answer: A

A data scientist wants to predict the probability of death from heart disease based on three risk factors: age, gender, and blood cholesterol level.What is the most appropriate method for this project?
A. Logistic regression
B. Linear regression
C. K-means clustering
D. Apriori algorithm
Correct Answer: A

You have been assigned to run a Logistic Regression model for 100 countries each. All data is currently stored in a PostgreSQL database.
Which tool/library should be used to produce these models with the least effort?
A. MADlib
B. Mahout
C. RStudio
D. HBase
Correct Answer: A

Refer to the exhibit.

You are using K-means clustering to classify customer behavior for a large retailer. You need to determine the optimum number of customer groups. You plot the
within-sum-of- squares (wss) data as shown in the exhibit. How many customer groups should you specify?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 8
Correct Answer: C

Refer to the exhibit.

In the exhibit, a correlogram is provided based on an autocorrelation analysis of a sample dataset.
What can you conclude based only on this exhibit?
A. There appears to be no structure left to model in the data
B. There appears to be a seasonal component in the data
C. Lag 1 has a significant autocorrelation
D. There appears to be a cyclical component in the data
Correct Answer: A

Refer to the exhibit.

Click on the calculator icon in the upper left corner. An analyst is searching a corpus of documents for the topic “solid state disk”. In the Exhibit, Table A provides
the inverse document frequency for each term across the corpus. Table B provides each term’s frequency in four documents selected from corpus. Which of the
four documents is most relevant to the analyst’s search?
A. Document CB. Document A
C. Document B
D. Document D
Correct Answer: A

Which chart type is the most effective way to show trends over time?
A. Line Chart
B. Bar Chart
C. Stacked Bar Chart
D. Histogram
Correct Answer: A

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